
It's time to begin the quest for a race of epic proportions! Alaska 2010 was incredible and Vermont 2011 will be even better! Six men, six women, all LOURIES! 200 miles of beautiful Vermont roads, rivers, mountains and towns. Trick is we just have to run the whole thing!! With a little training, a little team motivation we will make it to Bennington, Vermont tired, happy and with an incredible sense of accomplishment nobody can take away from us. Let the training begin!

Race Details & Logistics

Generally speaking the race starts in Jeffersonville, Vermont (Walt & Sharlee's town oddly enough) and follows Scenic State Route 100 south all the way to Bennington, Vermont (about a 30-40 drive south of Salem).  The route is 200 miles long going through the town where Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream was founded, Middlebury, VT (Cabot Creamery, Woodstock, VT (probably Top 10 prettiest towns in America), through some beautiful Vermont mountains, along a beautiful creek, up and down hills (yes there are hills) and then through Manchester, VT (home of Orvis and Grandma's work) until we reach Bennington. 

There are two vans we will need to rent.  They are preferrably 15 passenger vans.  There is a driver as well as 6 runners in each van.  There are 36 total "Legs" of the race.  12 total runners.  Each runner runs 3 legs each.  Runner "1" will run their leg then hand off the baton to runner "2" who is waiting at the "exchange" for Runner "1"'s finish.  Runner "2" runs their leg and hands off to Runner "3".  And so on until Runner 6 hands off to Van #2"'s Runner #1 which is really Runner #7.  Confuse you yet?  Generally speaking each runner will run 3 total times and anywhere from 10 miles total to 22 miles total.  Essentially you are running of the equivalent of "before work" then "after work" and then running again the next morning "before work" since there is so much time in between each of your runs.  So while mileage may seem initially daunting for some, you will have plenty of time to recharge your batteries, even take a nap. 

The entire race finishes when we complete all 36 legs.  All of which depends on how long we take to run.  Which depends on how well we all train.  And how much Kim is laughing.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for VT and Louries! Less excited about running but I'll do it! :) If I can do this anyone can! Get on your running shoes and start it up.
